Sunday, February 15, 2009

My KeLuArGa

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Tag yg pnjng ggile...........

Tg ni diambil dr blog putri sagi....

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
*I'm going to do homework.

2. Who are you in love with?

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
*I didn't remember.

6. Are you wearing socks right now?
*It is too hot so i not wearing socks.

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
*No la.

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
*Lesen je tarak nak bawa kete.

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

10.Maap,nombor ini didapati missing...

11.What are you wearing right now?
*T-shirt and bottom.

12.Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
*I don't have keleta ma..

13.Last food that you ate?
*Mi kari...emm,delicious..

14.Where were you last week at this time?
*I do not remember.

15.You bought any clothing items in the last week?
*I think no.

16.When is the last time you ran?
*Masa sukan at sekolah.

17.What's the last sporting event you watched?

18.What is your favorite animal?

19.What your dream vacation?
*NY and Australia..

20.Last person's house you were in?
*My friend house.

21.Worst injury you've ever had?

22.Have you been in love?
*No again.

23.Do you miss anyone right now?
*Yes,my mother cause she at Terrengganu..

24.Last play you saw?

25.What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
*No again..

26.What are your plans for tonight?
*I'm study hard to make me smart.

27.Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
*No one.

28.Next trip you are going to take?
*To everywhere..

29.Ever go to camp?
*Sorry,not remember..

30.Were you an honor roll student in school?

31.What do you want to know about the future?
*Evarything laa.

32.Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

33. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

34.Where is your best friend?
*At their house and she going to sleep (i think so)

35.Who is your best friend?
*Faezah,Akmalina,Era and many others...

36.Do you have a tan?

37.What are you listening to right now?
*Crush - David Archuleta...

38.Do you collect anything?
*Yes,notebook and keychain..

39. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
*Fitrah and faezah.

40.Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
*Not yet...

41.Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

42.What does your last text message say?

43.Do you like hot sauce?

44.Last time you took a shower?
*This m orning...

45.Do you need to do laundry?
*No cause umah gue ada mesin basuh

46.What is your heritage?

47.Are you someone's best friend?

48.Are you rich?

49.What were you doing at 12AM last night?

50.Who was the last person to call ?
*Some body...

Wokey,tag ni sampai disini jer....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tag Yang Gegile...

Nk jwb tag yg menggile..

1. Have you ever been in fAeZaH's house?

2. What's your fondest memory of aKmA?
=Go To TrOpIcAl vIllAgE a kluAng.

3. Describe fItRaH in one word.
=She is genius.

4. Name something you have in common with eRa?

5. If fArAhIn played in a movie, what kind of character would they play?
=Be a stepmother.

6. In a race between you, aUni and fArAhIn, who would win?
=Of course me.

7. Do you love piKa?
=Yup, as a friend.

8. What would nAdiA not be caught dead in?

9. What advice would you give aMeErA?
=To be a smart gurl.

10. Would you open a mystery gift aMaLiNa just gave you, without much hesitation?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Template Baru...

Salam..ape habaq semue??

Lme x edit ari nie sengaje amek kesempatan tuk tuka template...ok x??Lawa x??
Jgn lpe c0mment psl template bru nie keyh..

Ok la..tu je nk ckp..x tau nk tulis pe lg..